First post of the New Year.
The last month has been hard for me but I think I'm gradually coming out of my slump. I miss posting here and I really should keep up with postings so Aria (and I) can read back on these post and reminisce. Well, we've had more lows for the start of this new year. First my car dies and we had to purchase another car. I inherited A.'s old car and A. is currently driving the new car.
I've decided to drop out of the Monday Mommy & Me classes even though Aria and I have been taking those classes since she was 10 months old. I just can't handle going back there when there are 2 pregnant women who are due in April (my predicted due date with Spencer if he had been full-term). One of the mom was really nice but the other one not very friendly. The kicker is that she is obese and she can carry a baby full-term while I can't. I just can't handle seeing their bellies grow bigger and bigger after I've miscarried. So, yipe. I'm a dropout. Maybe, I'll try and sign up for another class on a different day so I don't have to see them. Yes, I'm taking the cowardly way out but I really haven't healed yet.
Also, Aria woke up yesterday morning with a swollen left eye that was encrusted with dried tears and gunk. She complained about how it was painful for her to open that eye. We decided to forgo taking her to preschool and to take her to see her doctor instead. It was a short visit and Aria was diagnosed with pink eye. Lovely. I'm sure she caught it from her preschool. She's contagious right now so I can't take her to school until she's no longer tearing up. She was prescribed amoxicillin for 5 - 7 days. Her eye looks alot better by last night so I'm not too worried about her level of discomfort. We're just going to stay home today and relax.