Baker Aria

While at the store today, Aria spotted a package of Nestle Toll House Animal Shapes Shortbread Cookies and asked if I can get it for her. I thought it'll be a good activity to try out with her so I purchased it. As soon as we got home we preheated the convection oven and cracked open the package. Aria was very excited. She had skipped her nap (surprise, surprise) and was fighting fitigue, but she was determined to baked those animal cookies. She even took a bite of one of the unbaked hippo's butt. Funny girl. We all pitched in and they were in the oven in no time. The hardest part for Aria was the wait. Ten minutes was a long time for her to wait but she managed by playing with the icing packet. Once out of the oven, Aria and I iced the cookies. She was very good at spreading the icing with a knife. I tried decorating the cookies like the picture on the package but they turned out horribly. Oh well, they still tasted great. Aria ate the majority of the cookies. I think I prefer them without the icing, tad too sweet. She had a blast making them. I'm definitely going to do this more often with her.
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