Summer update.
It's been awhile since I've updated. The only excuse that I have is that I've been really, really busy. No lie. I can't believe the summer is almost over and Aria will be back in school soon. We've done so much this summer already.
Aria finished a session of summer school. She also finished 2 levels of swimming lessons. (That's 4 weeks of daily swimming lessons!) Towards the end, I was pretty darn sick of taking her to the pool. I have to admit, the lessons were amazing. Aria's a bonafide swimmer. She can swim halfway across the pool, roll over to catch more air and roll back and continue swimming to the other side. I'm not a swimmer and have commented to her how I can't swim (and refuse to learn, don't like getting wet). Aria would reply back, " I'll teach ya. I'll save you from drowning." She probably can too.
Aria is doing even more YMCA classes now then before summer started. She's taking 2 ballet classes, 2 tap classes, a creative movement class and an art class. She alway amazing me with how well she's doing in each class. I remember when we first joined the Y and how distraught I was over her lack of concentration and focus. She sure have changed. She may not be the best in her classes but I will give her an 'A' for effort. As long as she's trying her best to learn, I'm happy.
We've also because members of The Skirball Cultural Center recently. I did it after my visit to their Noah's Ark exhibit. It's a new permanent exhibit that depicts the bibical Ark and the various animals that are on it. Hundred of artists were recruited to use mainly recycled or found items to create all the animals. Visitors are welcome to touch and explore the Ark. Aria loves going there so I decided to become a member so we can go there regularly.

Last weekend was also a pretty crucial weekend for both me and Aria. It was the first time that I was away from Aria for more than 10 hours. I went on a 'women only' excusion to Lake Arrowhead with 3 other friends while Aria stayed home with A. We rented a cabin that was both near the Lake and the Village (Lake Arrowhead's version of a town) and shopped, ate and relaxed all weekend. I had a very relaxing weekend in comparison to A.'s. He spent Saturday with the husbands from my group at California Disney. On Sunday, he took Aria to Skirball for a few hours, then he took her to Zoe's 4th Birthday party and after that Aria and A. had dinner with A.'s father. I'm tired just thinking about his weekend. I'm very fortunate that A. is such an wonderful dad. He did an awesome job while I was away. I couldn't help feelig alittle guilty while I was there that A. and Aria wasn't there with me to enjoy the trip too. Lake Arrowhead is so family oriented. There were so many things that Aria would have loved to do there. Can't wait to go back with the family.We still have a trip up to Northern Cali coming up in a few weeks. Gotta clean house. I'm embarrassed by how cluttered it is and I gotta get it done before we go away so our house sitter isn't too shocked when she comes over.
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