It's over.

The last couple of days has been spent planning for my local moms club's end-of-the-year banquet (which shouldn't be called a banquet at all since it's held at a park during the day with finger food). Since I'm VP, (only till the end of the month) I had to do a lot of the brunt work like buying supplies, buying food and ordering and picking up the pizzas. I didn't mind since it's going to be the last duties that I have with the club. The event was fun but it was a real letdown to ending my term. The president showed no appreciation of the work that I've down, especially since I, along with another board member, did the majority of work throughout the year. Whatever, it was a good learning experience. Just like with any professional job, a club can't run efficiently unless the person in charge is on top of her game.
No more board member position for me, I'm burnt from all the responsibilities. Besides, Aria's new preschool for the fall will require alot of my time. She's going to be attending a co-op and I'll be required to work there at least once a week. Definitely looking forward to it. I think we will both benefit; I get a couple of hours of 'me' time a day where I can run errands etc, she'll expand her social skills and hopefully make some new friends.
So sad, Aria will most likely not be able to see much of her good friends now. They're all going to different preschools and will be on different schedules. I'll try my best to set up playgroups for them but I think she's going to have to make new friends.
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