New venue.

Cassidy did a great job of sharing the caterpillar.
I then headed for Albertson's 8 hours sale. Just my luck I hit the mad rush as soon as I got there. I got everything on my list, waited through the long lines and made it home around 2.
I've been meaning to start Aria on all the workbooks and flashcards that I've purchased throughout the years, but I'm always either too busy or just too lazy. My goal is to really get her started on her alphabets and numbers. She can say all the letters and numbers up to 12 but she can't read them yet. She only recognizes 'A' and 'C'. Cassidy and this other girl in Aria's playgroup already know their alphabets. Ahh!! I don't want her to be behind when she starts preschool. I don't think I push her enough. I hope I don't get too laxed in raising her like my parents did with me. I'll try my best to give her as much xtracurricular activities as she can handle; maybe I should start her on ballet when she's three.
Aria's also been skipping her afternoon nap this week which sucks for the both of us because I miss the block of free time to do what I want and she's grumpy in the evenings because she's tired. I tried putting her down but she refuses to stay. I'm going to try to tire her out more. Maybe I'll take her to the zoo tomorrow.
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