I <3 Target.

Yes, I love Target. I took my sister to Target yesterday because we share similar passions for bargain shopping. The perfect place to do that is at Target. It totally helps that I have a Target 6 blocks away from my house and another one 3 miles away. Everyone knows it's all about location, location, location; my house is situated 6 blocks away from a Target and a Trader Joe's and that's the redemning factor about where we live. Anyhoo, we went to Target to stroll down the aisle, not searching for anything in particular. She especially love the linen aisles; my fav. are the toy aisles and we both love the furniture, kitchen aisles. My sis found the rug that she's been eyeing for a while at 75% off. I talked her into getting this cabinet that she's also been wanting for a while. It was also going for 75% off the original price! She also scored on a brushed chrome mirror and another small floor rug.
Up till then, I was unluck in my hunt because nothing really caught my eye. Then we went over to the toy area and that's where we hit the jackpot. Tons of toys were on sale for 75% off the original listed price! Some were on sale for even more. It was a dash to load up our carts. People were going crazy, grabbing and shoving. We did great though. Without my little sis there I don't think I could have done so well in stocking up our cart. We tag-teamed and one of us alway had our eye on our cart and on Aria (sometimes). I had to go and get 2 more shopping carts for a total of three shopping carts. Toys were filled out to the brim. We found numerous Barbie dolls, Disney princess makeup set, a Hello Kitty etch-n-sketch, Tonka trucks, John Deere playsets, Leap Frog Leappad games, Spongebob playset, Dora playset, a wooden trike, and so much more. One of my favorite find of the day was the Amy Coe birdhouse xylophone. I love Amy Coe's line of toys. They have a hint of retro look to it. I am so done with Christmas and Birthday toy shopping. It was like Christmas in July. The hardest part was putting everything in the car for the trip home. Every inch (I kid you not) of the interior of the car was packed with stuff from our shopping excursion. Aria was packed in the like a little sardine. She was such a trooper, didn't complain once. I had to put stuff on my sister's lap so that we can get everything in. But we did it. I was also able to hide it away before A. came home. He knows about the shopping excursion but it's better that he doesn't see all the stuff out in the open or he'll freak. I better warn him to not look under our bed.
Hehe! I went to Target too! And I got the Xylophone too (to give as a gift.) I also picked up a train table, an Elmo Knows Your Name ($9.99!!), and a bunch of other stuff for my gift closet! I love red tags. It's an addiction,....
Jodie, you're a Target fan too! How did you hear about the sale? I want the inside scoop. I got the train table from a previous visit at Target too. Love their sales but yesterday's sale was one of the best.
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