New swimming hole

Aria and I went checked out Hansen Dam today. Hansen Dam has a 1.5-acre swimming lake and the admission fee is only $1.50 for adults and free for kids. One of the moms from the preschool that Aria will be attending in the Fall hosted a playgroup there today. It was perfect weather for swimming at the pool because (surprise, surprise) the weather was extremely hot today.
We were there for at least 4 hours and majority of the time was spent in the water. Aria loved it there. It was a great pool for little kids because the incline was very gradual with the deepest being only 4 1/2 feet. Aria was very brave though and she spent alot of time in water up to her chin. She, however, did not enjoy dunking her head in the water because, strangely, it was salt water. She hated the taste.
Overall, it's a fun place and I think I'm going to take her there next week as well. Boy, Aria and I are sure getting a dark tan from all this swimming.
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