Our whole family attended a birthday party for one of my friend's son on Thurs. He turned 1. A. was able to come with us because he cashed in more sick days and will have a 4 day weekend. (shh... don't tell his boss, he thinks A.'s sick)
The party was held in an indoor playgroup which I've never been to before and I wasn't too impressed with the place. It was opened to the general public when my friend's party was taking place so there were alot of rowdy kids running around. Alot of those rowdy kids (not from our party) were not supervised and their mothers were simply sitting in a gated off area socializing. A couple of kids from my friend's party got hurt by those moms' kids and the incidences were reported to the owner. Those mothers still didn't correct their kids or apologize for what their kids did. One of the moms from the our party got fed up and lead a girl to the owner and told her that that girl has been bullying her son. The owner told the girl's mom and that's when all hell broke loose. I swear I thought I was at a Jerry Springer show when that rowdy girl's mom started screaming "Who touched my daughter?!! How dare they touch my daughter!! I'm going to call the cops!!"
Ahh... hello, if you were watching your daughter like you were suppose to then you would have witness how your daughter was bullying other kids. Geez. The mom from my party was shocked when the bullying mom ran up to her and wanted to literally start a fist fight. I stood there with A. and watched this in shock. I can't believe that the bully's mom reacted that when when she and her daughter were at fault to begin with. Now I understand why that little girl acted the way she did, she learned it from her mom.
I also forgot to put the battery in my camera that day so I wasn't able to document it. Darn.
On a brighter note, my friend emailed me a few pictures from the party and here they are: