Lions and Tigers and Bears....Oh My!
Okay, we didn't see lions or tigers or bears but we saw alot of other animals at the zoo today. I think they were hiding. We did spot some giraffes, an elephant and some zebras. Aria had a chance to touch a boa constrictor today but she refused. I was surprised since she usually loves to touch all kinds of animals and boas are very safe pet. I had one right after college. He was a great pet but unfortunately died of pneumonia. Aria also weren't too into the petting area either. She usually loves brushing the goats but she held back this time. We caught the 12 pm show on the book "Giraffes Can't Dance". Kids were picked from the audience to act out the scenes. Aria wasn't picked, she didn't want to be picked, but it was a fun show.
Aria said the funniest thing. I would ask her what her favorite animal was and she'll reply, "the elephant", then she'll change her favorite to whatever animal is on display next. Sounds dorky but it's so cute coming from her.
We hit the reptile house because she loves to locate each reptile in every display. We finally left around 2:30. The weather was perfect and I've definitely have to bring Aria back before she starts preshool.

Aria riding a fake alligator or is it a crocodile?
That little piece of brown paper makes
him look like he was wearing a loin cloth.

from her stroller majority of the time today.
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