Wonders of Raising Aria

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Aria's 3rd Birthday party is taking place this coming Sat. and I've got alot to do. We got the location down and I don't have to make any party favors because it's part of the package but I still have alot to do. I need to order the cake and sandwiches, decide on how much to order, buy other foods and get more supplies. I don't even think Aria undrestand that her party is coming up. I've been trying to prep her on it but she's not interested. It's hard to believe that Aria's turning 3 already. I still remember when she was a tiny baby and I was worried about her fragile size and weight. She's changed so much. She's grown into a little girl. I look forward so much more with her.


Blogger Jodie said...

Happy birthday to Aria!! Ally is also having her party on Saturday! Have a great time!

11:28 PM  

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