I got most of my ceramic pieces back. I write most because I still have 2 pieces that needs to be fired and another of my pieces has been donated due to a tragic accident in the kiln.

My covered jar got fused with someone's massive mistake. He used the wrong type of clay and ruined not just my piece but 2 other classmates' pieces as well. I was very angry over it when I found out and that jerk didn't even apology. I agreed to donate it to one of the classmate because she wanted her piece for her daughter and if we had tried to separate the piece with a hammer, everything would have shattered.

Heart cup.

Little bird.

3 leaves plate.

Another 3 leaves plate.

Yet another 3 leaves plate.

Last 3 leaves plate of the semester.

Leaf plate, this one went to my sister.

Ginko plate. The leaf didn't come out very well because the glaze was matte.

Butterfly plate. I don't like the glaze.
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