Wonders of Raising Aria

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sat. night.

We watched Cassidy and Michael again last Sat. as part of our swap. Alice is going to watch Aria a few Sat. from now. Once again it went well. Michael didn't even cry when he got dropped off. The girls ran right into Aria's room and began some serious playing. I had purchased Aria a new mermaid costume earlier in the day so Cassidy was able to wear Aria's old one and they were both able to be mermaids throughout the night. The only obstacles I had was trying to put Michael to sleep. I had to rock him for a really long time and boy, he is a pretty hefty baby. By the time I was able to put him down, Alice and her hubby Alain came back from their date. The evening was too short.

At Toys R Us, on the Bat mobile.

The mermaids. I really like Aria's new mermaid costume. It gives her room to grow into and it's long-sleeved. She can wear it for Halloween if she wants to. Best part, it was only $20!


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