Wonders of Raising Aria

Friday, October 27, 2006

The end is near.

Aria's last day of Co-op preschool is coming up. It's going to be next Tues. on the 31st. There will be a Halloween party on that day so today was her last regular day of school. I don't think she understands all this and I hope she makes the transition from this school to the new school well. She has come a long way. She no longer cry when A. drops her off at school and she's more willing to go play with other kids when I have to work at the Co-op. She's made a few friends at her current school too so I hope she'll cope well when she no longer gets to see them. I'm personally glad that she's leaving the school. I physically can't work there for much longer. My body aches after working there for three hours. I don't think she learns anything academic and I know her new school will provide that. Well, wish her luck!

Aria is the weather girl for the day.

She brought her turtle for show-and-tell today. Here she is answering questions about her turtle.

She's showing the turtle around.

Listening patiently during circle time.


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