Wonders of Raising Aria

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Best cartoon show ever.

I kid you not. This is the best cartoon show ever. Well, it's the best cartoon on t.v. currently. I should know, I watch alot of television. The show is Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Aria and I watch it together religiously (weekdays at 4PM on Cartoon Network). We laugh together at many of the scenes. Seriously, she gets it. Okay, maybe my since of humor is a little warped and immature, but this is really a great show.
Another reason why it's such a great cartoon is because Foster's is created by Craig McCracken, the creator of The Powerpuff Girls (another one of my favorites). No wonder the show is so funny.
Aria's already addicted to Foster's. There isn't a day that goes by without her asking, 'When's Foster going to be on?' I have to tell her repeatedly that it's not 4 PM yet. Hey, it's a good way for me to teach her how to read the clock. I foresee a new collection obsession coming up involving Foster's. Too bad I found out about this show just recently. I missed out on the Burger King's Foster's toys promotion back in mid-May of last year (damn, damn, damn). Great news is that the first season of Foster's is coming out on DVD. I'm sooo getting this.

I asked Aria who her favorite Foster's character is recently. I would assume that it was Bloo (the little cute blue guy in the picture above) since he's kinda the main character but to my surprise her favorite is Wilt. interesting....

Wilt from Foster's


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