Wonders of Raising Aria

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Sorry for the lack of blogging. We had a full weekend, my camera is not working correctly and I've just been plain lazy (I want to blame it on being preggie, but that's not the case). Well, I went to the new preschool yesterday (Monday) and I filled out the forms and wrote out the check. Aria is now officially enrolled for the new school starting in November. I'm excited for her but I'm dreading the act of telling the people at her current co-op preschool about us dropping out. They're not going to be happy because they're going to have to find a replacement. But they did say they have 10 people on the waiting list so that's good news. I think I'll tell them next week. That'll give them a three weeks notice. That's pretty fair, right? I've met some really nice moms there but I don't think our friendships will last because I'm taking Aria out of that school. I actually wanted to invite some of them to Aria's birthday party in Nov. but now it's going to be awkward. The evite has been sent out minus the ones for the kids at the co-op. I guess I'll see how the vibe at the c0-op goes before I send them out.
On a much sadder note, my Nikon camera has been giving me problems for the last week or so. I get this system error message when I hit the button to shot a picture. I love my camera but I don't think it's worth fixing. We looked at cameras at Best Buy over the weekend and I got too confused with all the selections. Well, more correctly, I wasn't too impressed with the selection. I know I want a camera with a manual option, one that's not to small, one without too much lag time between when I hit the button and the actual picture taking, a good brand and one that's not too expensive. That's not asking too much right? What's the deal with all these cameras using AA batteries? Isn't a chargable battery better? A. printed out the review from the Consumer Report site and brought it along with us when we went camera shopping and surprise surprise the store does not have the ones in the report. Well, I don't want to rush into purchasing one but we'll definitely get one soon.
Our weekend consisted of a birthday party, going to the YMCA, and seeing his family for dinner on Sunday. His parents came back from a 2 weeks cruise to Greece, Egypt and I think Turkey. They had a good time. I sure missed seeing them. It's weird not seeing them for at least once a week. They make me appreciate having family nearby.
I'll post pictures later. Sorry again.


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