Sorry, I blame it on the pregnancy.
Long story short, I met a mom named Julie on Tuesday after school. Her daughter Ashley is in the same class as Aria. She invited me and Aria out to a playdate at an indoor playground the next day. I decided to go because I definitely want to meet some new friends and I want Aria to socialize more with kids her age. We got there a half an hour late and to my surprise the playdate was really a birthday party for her daughter. Gasp! I just met her yesterday and she invites me and Aria to her daughter's party! It was a pleasant surprise except I was so embarrassed because I did not bring a gift. I explained to her that I misunderstood the event and she said to not worry about it. Then she tells me that she actually got Aria a present because she remembered that Aria's B-day is this weekend. She even went and put Aria's name on the birthday cake so that it read 'Happy Birthday, Ashley (her daughter) and Aria.' OMG, she's so sweet. I felt even worst. I swear I thought it was just a playdate. I'm blaming it all on being preggie for my lack of comprehension when I have discussions with other adults. I'm so retarded.
Anyway, Aria had a great time. We were there from 10:30 AM till 2:00 PM. I met some nice moms from Aria's class. There was this one mom who I've known for a while from my mom's group who did not talk to me and totally ignored me during the whole party. I've always got that vibe from her when I was really active in our mom's group. I don't know why she's so unfriendly towards me. I've even had her over at my house for a playdate. Oh well, can't win it all.
I gave Lisa her daughter's gift this morning and apologized once again. I've got to pay more attention when I chat with people next time.

This is the birthday girl - Ashley. She's turning 3. Her actual birthday isn't until the 20th (I think) but her mom decided to do it now because it was so close to Thanksgiving. 'Gasp!' Thanksgiving is coming up!!
Ha, ha, ha! She's a mermaid. That's her dream.

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